Hi there. I’m Emily.
Thanks for stopping by my website. Since you’re here on my About page, I’m guessing you’re looking for a little more about me, so here goes.
I’m a writer currently living in Chicago. I spend most of my time in the tech world—hacking away at being a sort-of engineer and an actual content writer. I am a big fan of video, help content, and making products with empathy.
In my free time (which is mostly spent watching Game of Thrones for the 8th time through) I work on a young adult fantasy series called The Daughter of Eliana. The story follows a headstrong teenage girl named Arlene on a journey to save a world she’s never seen before. But when she arrives, she’s not so convinced its worth saving.
I am often deactivating my social media, but you can usually find me retweeting other, much smarter people under the handle @stfuemilysue.
If you’re someone who likes email, you can drop me a line at coleman.emilysusan@gmail.com.