a blog of sorts
a blog of sorts
some half-formed thoughts about life


Because I also like to do jobs sometimes.

Work things…


self-service solutions lead

localytics, february 2018 - september 2019

I started at Localytics in March of 2018, and have spent the better part of the last year rebuilding their help content from the ground up. I’ve rewritten, redesigned, and restructured over 100,000 words worth of content. I customized the design and code of our Zendesk Help Center to best accommodate our new architecture, and migrated more than 500 articles into the new structure.

I’ve led several additional projects to improve the customer experience—managing engineering and CSM resources to improve content architecture and create a video onboarding series. I also built out a plan for a paid customer training series.

What’s the old adage? Show your work?

agency specialist

wistia, august 2017 - february 2018

I had a blast working with marketing and video agencies using Wistia. I co-managed the Agency Program of over 800 agencies. I handled the support inbox, weekly newsletter, and content writing and marketing. I wrote and coded two new pages for the website, and maintained the other 10. I also managed a large cross-team sales project to increase program revenue, increasing the deals conversion rate by 100%.

Once again, proof I did the thing!

customer champion, education specialist

wistia, february 2015 - august 2017

This is where I learned to love writing content to help customers get their jobs done! I was single-handedly responsible for the public facing Help Center. I wrote and edited help content, and prepped the docs for product launches. I created and maintained over 80 articles, including an extensive features glossary, welcome guide, and video onboarding series. I coded the Wistia Academy and Help Videos portal. I also led and developed curriculum to assist other team members in updating Help Center. I regularly analyzed data (GA, Zendesk) to inform future updates and track success.

My favorite creation, if I do say so myself.

Work-adjacent things…


co-founder, benevolish

january 2019 - present

Benevolish is a new endeavor for me, and we’re just getting it off the ground. With the help of three very talented friends, we’re building Benevolish to encourage millennials to get active in their local communities. We want to see more volunteers, more donations, and more activism. Our goal is to combat the apathy and helplessness that so many of us feel about our world—whether that be the political landscape, the environmental issues we’re facing, or regular old burn out. We want to build resources and community to not only change our own lives, but hopefully help the world along the way. Check us out!

writer, project discontent

april 2018 - february 2019


diverstia, wistia

july 2015 - february 2018

Project Discontent was a volunteer group I worked with to offer non-profit organizations free marketing resource. We offered project planning, design, video, technical, and writing resources of progressive organizations in the Boston area. I wrote blog posts and website copy for both Project Discontent and some of our clients. I also helped craft the mission and vision for Project Discontent while we were building out our initiatives.

At Wistia, I had the great honor of being able to work on our D&I efforts within the company. Diverstia was founded to help start a conversation about inclusion within Wistia—opening the space and the conversations for vulnerability and learning. We hosted a slew of events for Diverstia—and I managed internal events like movie nights, storytelling night, table topics, and external speakers.